Nicholas Picardo
Nicholas Picardo
Senior Construction Manager

Nicholas is a construction manager at Samuels & Associates, responsible for managing all aspects of a project including budgets, schedules, buyout, logistics, and coordination. He works closely with both the construction and development teams to ensure that all project requirements are delivered. He manages the general contractor onsite and works closely with the project lender by keeping them informed on project progress and changes. His eye for detail enables him to quickly identify and solve any potential problems that arise in the field.Prior to joining Samuels & Associates, Nicholas was a Project Manager for Consigli Construction in Milford, Massachusetts. He joined Samuels because he wanted to be part of the entire perspective of a project with regards to both the upfront planning and financing as well as the end use of the development.
Nicholas is a graduate of the Massachusetts Maritime Academy with a Bachelor of Science degree in facilities and environmental engineering. He is currently working towards a Master of Science degree in civil engineering from Tufts University and expects to graduate in 2018. Outside of work, Nicholas enjoys spending time with his family, traveling, and biking, as well as participating in Spartan races and triathlons.