Artists for Humanity

Artists for Humanity

Art, Community


Allston, MA

The Reason

One of Boston’s most diverse neighborhoods, Allston is known for its creative and funky vibe and is one of the City’s go-to residential areas for college students and the young-at-heart. Continuum, a residential property located in Barry’s Corner, is the perfect home base from which to take advantage of the neighborhood’s eclectic mix of restaurants, nightlife, and proximity to public transit.

The Result

Local teen artists from West End House, the largest youth development agency in the Allston-Brighton community, worked with professionals from Artists for Humanity’s 3D Design Studio to create a special art installation at Continuum. The two-piece 3D horizontal wall mount, titled “Forest Reflections,” was made from recycled magazines and hand-dyed aluminum and wood, while the large standing vase titled “Aluminum Bloom” was features reclaimed soda cans. The commissioned works offered renters a distinct experience that not only enlivened common areas, but provoked thoughtful conversations within communities and create a sense of strong community identity.

Cameron Chin, 3D Design Studio, Boston Latin Academy student

“A drawing is just a drawing until you see the piece come to life!”